Text Book: Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications, 3e Errata |
Math Ed papers: Electricians Need Algebra, Too A study of Core-Plus students attending Michigan State University Core Plus’ letter to the editor and our reply A Capstone Course for Prospective High School Mathematics Teachers On the Transition in Mathematics from High School to Michigan State University Future High School Math Teachers and Upper Level Math Courses What (Future) High School Teachers Need to Know about Trigonometry |
Calculus Notes: |
Math Research Papers: 1. On a family of tertiary operations, Proceedings of a Conference on 2. On the geometric dimension of stable real vector bundles, Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, 17 (1972), 42-58. 3. On characteristic classes of groups and bundles of K(pi,1)'s, 4. A geometric interpretation of a classical group cohomology obstruction, Proc. A.M.S., V. 54, (Jan. 1976), pp. 405-412. 5. A relationship between group cohomology characteristic classes, Ill. J. Math., V. 20, (March 1976), pp. 30-40. 6. Moore-Postnikov towers for fibratins in which 7. A natural algebraic interpretation of the group cohomology group H^n(Q;A), Notices AMS, 25 (April 1978) 351. 8. Purcell's Method Projective n-Space, and a Parallelizable Sparse Linear Equation Solver (with G. Ludden), Applied Mathematics and Computation, V. 30,(September 1986), pp. 89-94. 9. Refined Interlacing Properties (with B.N. Parlett), 10. Certain Rank 2k Updates act Like Rank k, Lin. Alg. and its 11. Extended Interlacing Intervals (with C.R. Johnson and B.K. |