Homework: Do each assignment after the lecture on that date and hand in when indicated. Late HW will not be accepted.
Chapter numbers refer to the text by Houston [H].
I will give an extra HW point to the first person pointing out a significant typo or other error on this page, in handouts, or in class.
Corrections and recent revisions are in red.
Future assignments, which are tentative and may be revised, are marked in gray.
- Old Homework
- 11/27: Reading: Supplement (expanded from 11/18).
Beck textbook:
Ch. 8, p. 75−83; and Ch. 10, p. 95−103.
HW due 12/6: End of Supplement Problems: #2, 3c, 6, 7b (again), 9, 11a.
- Final Review: Syllabus and Problems. These problems cover mainly the last third of the course.
To review previous material, re-do the Review Sheets for Exams 1,2 (in Handouts below). Also old Exams, Quizzes and HW.