MTH 299 | Transition to Formal Mathematics | Fall 2013 |
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The dates below are tentative. Changes will be announced in class and on our course page.
Section numbers refer to:
Lect | Date | Section: Topic |
1 | 8/28 | [H2,3,4] Reading and writing mathematics |
R | 8/29 | Recitation |
2 | 8/30 | [H1] [B5] Sets and functions |
9/2 | Labor Day, no class | |
3 | 9/4 | [H1] [B5] Sets and functions; examples, models, enumeration |
R | 9/5 | Recitation |
4 | 9/6 | [H30] [B9.1,13.1] Injective, surjective, bijective functions |
5 | 9/9 | Combinatorial enumeration & bijections |
6 | 9/11 | [B13.2-3] Cardinality, countability, Cantor's arguments |
R | 9/12 | Recitation |
7 | 9/13 | [H30] [B9.1,13.1] [B13.4-5] Axiomatic set theory, continuum hypothesis, logical incompleteness |
8 | 9/16 | [H6] Making a statement |
9 | 9/18 | [H7] [B3.2] Implications |
R | 9/19 | Recitation |
10 | 9/20 | [H8] [B3.2] More on implicatiions |
11 | 9/23 | [H9] [B3.3] Converse and equivalence Last day to withdraw with refund |
12 | 9/25 | [H10] [B3.1] Quantifiers: for all, there exists |
R | 9/26 | Recitation |
13 | 9/27 | [H11,12] [B3.3] Negation of quantifiers |
14 | 9/30 | Review |
15 | 10/2 | Review |
E | 10/3 | Midterm 1 |
16 | 10/4 | [H2,14] Definitions, theorems, proofs |
17 | 10/7 | Example: divisibility of integers, infinity of primes |
18 | 10/9 | [H15, 16] Definitions, theorems |
R | 10/10 | Recitation |
19 | 10/11 | [H17, 18] Proof example: m,n odd ⇔ mn odd |
20 | 10/14 | [H19] Pythagoras' Theorem |
21 | 10/16 | [H20] Proof by direct argument Last day to withdraw with no grade reported |
R | 10/17 | Recitation |
22 | 10/18 | [H21,22] Common mistakes; proof by cases |
23 | 10/21 | [H23] Proof by contradiction,√2 irrational |
24 | 10/23 | [H26] Proof of contrapositive |
R | 10/24 | Recitation |
25 | 10/25 | [H24, 25] Proof by induction |
26 | 10/28 | [H27,28] Greatest common divisor gcd(a,b), Euclidean algorithm |
27 | 10/30 | [H28] Euclidean algorithm, unique factorization thm |
R | 10/31 | Recitation |
28 | 11/1 | [H29,31] [B6.1&3] Modular arithmetic, equvialence classes |
29 | 11/4 | [H29] [B6.3, App B] Extra: finite fields, cryptography |
30 | 11/6 | Review |
E | 11/7 | Midterm 2 |
31 | 11/8 | [B1.1-2, 8.1] Real number field |
32 | 11/11 | [B1.3, 8.2] Ordering of reals |
33 | 11/13 | [B8.3-4] Upper bounds, completeness axiom |
R | 11/14 | Recitation |
34 | 11/15 | [B10.4] Limits |
35 | 11/18 | Intermediate value theorem? |
36 | 11/20 | Sequences & series |
R | 11/21 | Recitation |
37 | 11/22 | More on Reals |
38 | 11/25 | [B App C.1] Complex numbers |
39 | 11/27 | [B App C.2] Complex numbers |
11/28 | Thanksgiving, no recitation | |
11/29 | Thanksgiving, no class | |
40 | 12/2 | Review |
41 | 12/4 | Review |
R | 12/5 | Recitation |
42 | 12/6 | Review. Class moved to 1255 Anthony Hall. |
E | 12/9 | Final exam 10:00-12:00 |