MTH 309.005 Linear Algebra − Advanced Section |
Spring 2011 |
Old Files |
Section and page numbers refer to Messer.
16 | 3 | 2 | 13 |
5 | 10 | 11 | 8 |
9 | 6 | 7 | 12 |
4 | 15 | 14 | 1 |
False Proposition: All the crayons in any box are the same color.
False Proof: Let Sn be the statement: "In any box with n crayons, all the crayons have only one color."
We prove this by induction.
Anchor step S1: If there is only 1 crayon in the box, then all crayons in the box do have only one color.
Link step: Assume we already know Sn holds. Take any box with (n+1) crayons, and remove the last crayon. By the assumption Sn, all these first n crayons have only one color (say, red). Now put the last crayon back in, and take out the first crayon. By the assumption Sn, these last n crayons also have only one color. That is, the last crayon has the same color as any middle crayon, which we already know is red. Thus, the first, middle, and last crayons are all red. Therefore all the (n+1) crayons have only one color (red or whatever), and we conclude Sn+1 holds.
From the anchor and link steps, we deduce that S1 is true, which implies S2 is true, which implies S3 is true, etc., meaning any box with any number of crayons has only one color.
Now, we can obviously have a box with different color crayons, so the proof cannot be valid. Could it be that induction is nonsense, or that it only applies to mathematical situations? In fact, there is just one very specific place where the argument is false.
Below, I give some sets V with their own special definitions of vector addition and scalar multiplication. See whether these are actually vector spaces. For each problem, go through Axioms 1-8, and determine which (if any) is violated.
Answers: 1. In each case, find all solutions (r1,...,rn) to r1v1 + ... + rnvn = 0. If the only solution is (r1,...,rn) = (0,...,0), then the set is independent; otherwise a non-zero solution will give a dependency equation. For (a), (b), use standard coordinates to turn the vector equation into a system of linear equations in the variables r1,...,rn. For (c), take the vector equation at 3 particular values, say x = 0, 1, -1, which yields 3 linear equations in r1 ,..., r3 . Cases (a) and (c) are bases; case (b) is not, as can also be seen from the Dimension Thm: P2 has dimension 3, so 4 vectors must be dependent.
2. For each case, check that if two vectors satisfy the definition of S, then their sum also satisfies, and similarly for scalar multiplication.
In case (a), the condition on f(x) = a + bx + cx2 + dx3 is:
0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | -1 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 1 |