MTH 482 | Discrete Mathematics II | Spring 2014 |
Course Page: .
The dates below are tentative. Changes will be announced in class and on our course page.
Reference: [W] Herbert Wilf, Generatingfunctionology (2nd ed).
Homework will be assigned daily on the Course Page.
Lect | Date | Section: Topic |
1 | 1/6 | Snow day, no classes |
2 | 1/8 | Twelvefold Way (1). f : [k]→[n] dist (marked bins); problems, formulas, recurrences |
3 | 1/10 | Twelvefold Way (2). f : [k]→[n] indist (unmarked bins); Sirling set partitions, number partitions |
4 | 1/13 | Other sequences: Stirling cycle, Fibonacci, Catalan, trees |
5 | 1/15 | Review: Method of Generating Functions |
6 | 1/17 | [W] Ch 1: Generating functions and recurrences (1) |
1/20 | M.L. King Day, no classes | |
7 | 1/22 | [W] Ch 1: Generating functions and recurrences (2) |
8 | 1/24 | [W] Ch 2.1: Formal power series |
9 | 1/27 | [W] Ch 2.2: Rules connecting sequences and generating functions |
10 | 1/29 | [W] Ch 2.3: Exponential generating functions |
11 | 1/31 | [W] Ch 2.3: Exponential generating functions
Last day to drop with tuition refund |
12 | 2/3 | [W] Ch 3: Cards, decks, and hands (1) |
13 | 2/5 | [W] Ch 3: Cards, decks, and hands (2) |
14 | 2/7 | [W] Ch 3: Cards, decks, and hands (3) |
15 | 2/10 | [W] Ch 3: Cards, decks, and hands (4) |
16 | 2/12 | [W] Ch 5: Analytic theory (1) |
17 | 2/14 | [W] Ch 5: Analytic theory (2) |
18 | 2/17 | Review (1) |
19 | 2/19 | Review (2) |
20 | 2/21 | Midterm Exam |
21 | 2/24 | [W] Ch 5.1: Lagrange inversion, Cayley formula (1) |
22 | 2/26 | [W] Ch 5.1: Lagrange inversion, Cayley formula (2)
Last day to drop with no grade reported |
23 | 2/28 | Integer partitions and Euler's Pentagonal Number Formula |
3/1-9 | Spring Break | |
24 | 3/10 | Rooted unlabeled trees, x Dlog Method |
25 | 3/12 | Unrooted unlabeled trees |
26 | 3/14 | Unrooted unlabeled trees, Otter's Lemma |
27 | 3/17 | Unrooted unlabeled trees, Otter's Formula |
28 | 3/19 | Polyhedra review: definitions, basic facts, examples, drawings |
29 | 3/21 | Polyhedra: vertex and face constructions |
30 | 3/24 | Polyhedra: f-vectors |
31 | 3/26 | Steinitz Lemma Steinitz Theorem: Statement, pictures, 3-connected graphs |
32 | 3/28 | Balinski's Theorem |
33 | 3/31 | Connectivity, Menger's Theorem |
34 | 4/2 | Summary of polyhedral graph properties |
35 | 4/4 | Rubber-band model |
36 | 4/7 | Rubber-band model |
37 | 4/9 | Rubber-band model |
38 | 4/11 | Finish rubber-band model |
39 | 4/14 | Maxwell realization |
40 | 4/16 | Maxwell realization |
41 | 4/18 | Finish Steinitz proof: canonical form |
42 | 4/21 | Review |
43 | 4/23 | Review |
44 | 4/25 | Review |
4/28 | Final exam Mon Apr 28, 10:00am−12:00 noon, Wells A-136 | |