- MTH 133, Calculus II
- MTH 235,
Differential equations
- MTH 451, Numerical analysis I
- MTH 452, Numerical analysis II
- MTH 496, UBM sequence I
- MTH496, Machine learning
950, Numerical methods for
partial differential
- MTH 994, Wavelets and
applications (Topics in Applied Mathematics)
- MTH 994, Biological
Modeling and Computation I
- MTH 994, Biological
Modeling and Computation II
- MTH 994, Mathematical modeling of nano-bio systems I
- MTH 994, Mathematical modeling of nano-bio systems II
- MTH994-1,
Mathematical modeling of human sensory systems I: Fundamentals of human
sensory systems
- MTH994-2,
Mathematical modeling of human sensory systems II: Mathematical models of
human sensory systems
- MTH994-001, Machine
learning for biological and biomedical data I: Basic algorithms
- MTH994-001, Machine learning
for biological and biomedical data II: Applications
- MTH994-001, Machine learning I (Basic algorithms)
- MTH994-001, Machine learning II (Deep
- MTH 995, Computational
biology I (Topics in Applied
995, Computational biology II (Topics in Applied
- CZ 3242, Computational techniques for
quantum systems
- CZ 3247, Computational fluid
- CZ 4104, Numerical solution
of PDEs
- CZ 5201, Advanced computational methods
- CZ 5211, High order
methods (Topics in
Comp. Science)
- CZ 5214, Wavelets and
applications (Topics in
Comp. Science)