Mousse (Terrine) de Foies de Volailles Mme Manguin 400 gm de foies (about 1 pound) Each liver has two parts joined by a membrane;scrape each part from the membrane. Place in bowl: Add: petits morceaux d'ail - grattées du poivre (beaucoup) du sel (beaucoup) muscat gratté (nutmeg) - un peu vin de porto (port wine to cover) Mettre au froid pour 3-4 heures 250 - 300 gm de beurre (about 3 sticks) put some of the butter in a saucepan - feu doux. Let it melt. Drain the livers - save the marinade. cook the livers, but not completely. Should be squishy and very pink Add the marinade - let cook a little (couple of minutes) Add good squeeze of lemon juice Remove from heat. Add rest of butter in hunks. Stir until the butter melts. Use the Braun - first pulse, then purée. Put in terrine Refrigerate overnight. Remove from refrigerator 1 hour before serving. |