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Policy on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Department of Mathematics strives to achieve an atmosphere in which all people are welcomed and evaluated on an equal footing. This spirit applies to all exchanges, whether in person or through electronic media, and is most important when it applies to evaluation of applications for employment, admission to our graduate or undergraduate programs, qualifications for awards, and annual review of existing faculty, staff, and students. To this end all major committees within the Department will establish a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) officer, the name of this individual together with the name of the chair of the committee will be published in an open link on our Department Web Page. The major committees include the Graduate Studies Committee, the Undergraduate Studies Committee, the Hiring Committee, the Personnel Committee, and the Advisory Committee. This policy also applies to any ad hoc committee that has impact on employment, admission, election, or review. Each DEI officer will have responsibility to

  1. Ensure all search processes have a base of advertising that is as inclusive of underrepresented groups as possible. This includes identifying mechanisms to generate applications from under-represented groups.
  2. Ensure applications for internal award and promotions are evaluated in a manner that places under-represented groups on an equal footing.
  3. Respond to issues arising from applicants or department members who feel their application or evaluation has not been addressed in an equitable manner.
  4. Respond to communications which they feel do not uphold the department norms on inclusivity, equity, and diversity.