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J. S. Frame Teaching Excellence Award

The purpose of the J.S. Frame Teaching Excellence Awards is to encourage and reward excellent teaching in the Mathematics Department at Michigan State University. The funding for this award was initiated by gifts from J. Sutherland Frame and Emily Frame. Professor J.S. Frame was Professor of Mathematics and Engineering Research from 1943 to 1977, and was Chair of the Mathematics Department at MSU from 1943 to 1960.

The awards were initiated in 1988. Each award is made to a tenure track or tenured faculty member in the Mathematics Department (Professors, Associate Professors, and Assistant Professors), and a second award may be made to a member of the full faculty (Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Instructors, Post-Doctoral Instructors, Specialists, and those with visiting faculty rank). In a given year, the Awards Committee may choose to give fewer than two awards. Each award includes a cash award of at least $2000.

The award winners will be selected by a committee appointed by the Chair of the Mathematics Department. Nominations for the award should be solicited from students and faculty. Nominees will be asked if they wish to be considered for the award. If so, they should provide the committee with at least two sets of evaluations filled out by their students and should agree to have their classes visited without notice by the awards committee. The award winner should be selected in the spring semester and should receive certificates of merit and appropriate publicity in addition to the cash award.

Although the awards committee must use its judgment in determining teaching excellence, the following criteria may serve as guidelines:

  • mastery of the subject matter
  • lively, well-organized lectures that stimulate student interest
  • good speaking ability and blackboard technique
  • good interaction with students, in and out of class

Suggestions for future award winners may be made by filling out a Frame Award Nomination Qualtrics Form. See also the list of previous award recipients.